References are to paragraph numbers or to the Appendices.
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - Y
“& Anor”/ “& Ors”, 3.2.1(b)
¶ (pilcrow sign), with unique case numbers, 3.2.6(b)
case names, 3.2.1(f)
“cf”, 2.2.4(b)
chapters in texts, 6.1.8(b)
clauses in contracts, 1.1.7(h)
contractions, 1.1.7(a)
generally, 1.1.7(i)
parties’ names, 3.2.1(b)
country names, 1.1.7(e)
court identifiers see court identifiers
“etc”/ “et cetera”, 1.1.7(a)
full stops in, 1.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.2.4(a)
journal titles, 6.4.6
judicial office
Australia, 1.1.6(d)(iii)
Canada, 1.1.6(d)(iii)
England and Wales, 1.1.6(d)(ii), 8.4.5
New Zealand, 1.1.6(d)(i), 3.2.9(c)
other jurisdictions, 1.1.6(d)(iv)
jurisdiction identifiers see jurisdiction identifiers
legislative provisions, 1.1.7(g), 4.1.1(d)
regulations, 4.1.1(d)
main text, general rule, 1.1.7(a)
minute book reference, 3.5.4(b)
“Re”, in case name, 3.2.1(d)
reference tags
generally, 1.1.7(d)
regnal years, Appendix 5
report series’ titles, 3.2.5(a)
shorthand terms, 1.1.7(a)
time, 1.1.7(b)
units of metric measurement, 1.1.7(c)
foreign words or names, 1.1.1(e)
macrons in Māori words, 1.1.1(c)
Accident Compensation Appeal Authority, 3.3.3(c), Appendix 1
accident compensation appeals to District Court, court identifier, 3.3.3(b)
“Accident Compensation Corporation”, in case name, 3.2.1(b)
acronyms, 1.1.7(f)
punctuation, 2.1.3
Acts see statutes
“ad hoc”, 1.1.1(d)
Admiralty and Ecclesiastical Cases, official reports for England and Wales, Appendix 4
“aff’d” (affirmed), 3.2.11
amendment Act, short title, 4.1.1(a)
“America”, 1.1.7(e)
“am”/ “pm”, 1.1.7(b), 1.2.3(c)
Appeal Cases (AC)
official reports for England and Wales, 8.4.1(a), Appendix 4
Privy Council judgment also reported in NZLR, 3.2.5(c)
appeals to District Court, accident compensation, court identifier, 3.3.3(b)
Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives (AJHR), 5.1.2
Law Commission reports, 5.2.3
arbitral decisions, international, 10.3.1, 10.3.2
articles see essays in edited books; internet materials; journal articles; newspaper and magazine articles
“Assoc”, 3.2.1(b)
Associate Judges of the High Court, 1.1.6(d)(i), 3.2.9(c)
Atlantic Provinces Reports, 8.3.1(b)
“Attorney-General”, in case name, 3.2.1(b)
judges, 1.1.6(d)(iii)
neutral citation of cases, 8.2.3, Appendix 2
reported cases
Australian Trade Practices Reports, case numbers, 3.2.6(b)
Commonwealth Law Reports, court identifier exception, 3.2.7(b)
court identifier, 8.2.2(a)
general rules, 8.1
jurisdiction identifier, 8.2.2(b)
official report series, 8.2.1(a), Appendix 2
unofficial report series, 8.2.1(b)
statutes, 9.2
general rules, 9.1
unreported cases, general rules, 8.1
“autrefois acquit”, 1.1.1(d)
bibliographies, 2.1.1, Appendix 7 (V)
foreign language sources, 1.1.1(f)
Bills, 4.2
amendments, 4.2.1(d)
capitalisation of word “Bill”, 1.1.5
explanatory notes, 4.2.2
general form, 4.2.1
bar number, 4.2.1(d)
Bill number, 4.2.1(c)
divided Bills, 4.2.1(e)
number, 4.2.1(a),(b), 4.2.1(a)
reference, 4.2.1(f)
reference abbreviations, 4.2.1(f)
short title, 4.2.1(a)
year of introduction, 4.2.1(b)
general references, omission of bar number, 4.2.1(d)
select committee reports, 4.2.2
Statutes Amendment Bills, 4.2.1(b)
Supplementary Order Papers, 4.2.3
blogs, 7.1.1
paragraph number pinpoint, 5.1.2
year of journal, 5.1.2
alternative spelling in quoted text, 1.1.1(b)
Australian statutes, jurisdiction identifier, 9.2
bar number, 4.2.1(d)
Bill number, 4.2.1(c)
number, 4.2.1(a),(b)
Cabinet document dates, 5.2.1
Canadian cases, neutral citation, year, 8.3.3(a)
case names
common names, 3.2.1(e)
suppressed names, inclusion of court file number, 3.2.1(g)
emails, date written, 7.6.5
initialisms, 1.1.7(f)
International Court of Justice/Permanent Court of International Justice
parties’ names, 10.2.1(c)
PCIJ, series and decision number, 10.2.1(g)
phase, 10.2.1(d)
internet documents
date of creation, 7.1.4
Uniform Resource Locators, 7.1.6
date, 7.3.6
details, 7.3.5
interviewer’s name, 7.3.4
transcript details, 7.3.7
multiple issue numbers within single volume not consecutively paged, 6.4.5
year, where independent volume numbers, 6.4.4
legislation, jurisdiction identifier, 4.1.1(c)
letters, date written, 7.6.5
Māori Land Court/Māori Appellate Court
minute book citation, 3.5.5(a)
year of judgment, 3.5.3
neutral case citation, year of decision, 3.3.2
newspaper articles
date of publication, 7.2.6
place of publication, 7.2.5(a)
press releases
date of publication, 7.4.5
description of document, 7.4.4
provincial legislation, post-1854, 4.1.4(d)
quoted text
alterations, 1.2.2(b)(iii)
emphasis added, 1.2.2(b)(iv)
footnotes or citations in, 1.2.2(b)(ii)
“sic”, 1.2.2(b)(iii)
reference tags
cases, 2.3.2
generally, 1.1.7(d)
reported cases
court identifier, case without neutral citation, 3.2.7(a)
pinpoint to paragraph number, 3.2.8(b)
series number, 3.2.5(b)
year, 3.2.3(a),(b)
Scottish cases, year, 8.5.1(a)
SOP number, 4.2.3(b)
speeches, location and date, 7.5.4
texts, obscure place of publication, 6.1.6(c)
United Kingdom statutes, jurisdiction identifier
post-1998, 9.4.3(a)
pre-1998, 9.4.2
United States
cases, year, 8.6.1(a)
restatements of the law, pocket parts, 9.5.4(a)
Broadcasting Standards Authority, 3.3.3(c), Appendix 1
bulleted lists, 1.2.1
Butterworths Current Law, 3.2.5(d)
“Cabinet”, 1.1.5
Cabinet documents, 5.2.1
Cabinet Manual, 5.2.2
Cambodia, Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of, 10.2.2
judges, 1.1.6(d)(iii)
neutral citation of cases, 8.3.3(a), Appendix 3
availability, 8.3.3(b)
year (distinguishing from report series citations), 8.3.3(a)
reported cases
court identifier, 8.3.2(a)
jurisdiction identifier, 8.3.2(b)
official report series, 8.3.1(a), Appendix 3
Supreme Court Reports, court identifier exception, 3.2.7(b)
unofficial report series, 8.3.1(b)
statutes, 9.3.1
general rules, 9.1
Canadian Criminal Cases, 8.3.1(b)
capital letters
acronyms, 1.1.7(f)
case names, 3.2.1(b)
footnote format, 2.2.4(a)
general rule, 1.1.5
internet document titles, 7.1.3
journal article titles, 6.4.3
legislative/constitutional terms, 1.1.5
lists, 1.2.1
newspaper article titles, 7.2.3
press release titles, 7.4.3
proper nouns, 1.1.5
quoted text, 1.2.2(a)(ii)
speech titles, 7.5.3
Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations, 3.2.5(a), 6.4.6
footnotes, general rules see footnotes
Lost Cases Project, 3.7.2
reported in newspapers, 3.7.1
“judgment”, 1.1.1(b)
reported see reported cases
unreported see unreported cases
CCH series, case numbers, 3.2.6(b)
centuries, 1.2.3(e)
“cf”, 2.2.4(b)
Chancery Division (Ch), official reports for England and Wales, 8.4.1(a), Appendix 4
Chief Judges, 1.1.6(d)(i)
Chief Justice, 1.1.6(d)(i), 3.2.9(c)
bibliographies, 2.1.1, Appendix 7 (V)
endnote systems, 2.1.1
footnotes see footnotes
forthcoming works, 6.8
general rules, 2.1.1
guiding principle, 2.1.1
inline referencing, 2.1.1
legislative provisions in, 4.1.1(d)
references to a work referred to in another work, 6.9
“City Council”, in case name, 3.2.1(b)
“Civil Law”/ “civil law”, 1.1.5
clauses in contracts (“cl”/ “cls”), 1.1.7(h)
Colonial Law Journal, 3.2.5(e)
bilateral treaties, parties’ names, 10.1.1(b)
in numbers, 1.2.3(a)
serial, 1.1.2
Commerce Commission, 3.3.3(c), Appendix 1
“Commissioner of Inland Revenue”, in case name, 3.2.1(b)
common case names, 3.2.1(e)
“Common Law”/ “common law”, 1.1.5
Common Pleas, official reports for England and Wales, Appendix 4
Commonwealth Law Reports (CLR)
court identifier exception, 3.2.7(b)
Privy Council judgments in, 3.2.7(b)
company abbreviations
generally, 1.1.7(i)
parties’ names, 3.2.1(b)
“Compare” references in footnotes, 2.2.4(b)
conference papers, 6.7.2
consolidated cases, 3.2.1(i)
contractions, 1.1.7(a)
contractual clauses (“cl”/ “cls”), 1.1.7(h)
“Contrast” references in footnotes, 2.2.4(b)
conventions see treaties
Copyright Tribunal, 3.3.3(c), Appendix 1
corporate names see organisation names
corporation abbreviations, 1.1.7(i)
parties’ names, 3.2.1(b)
Council of Europe, 10.5
country names, abbreviation of, 1.1.7(e)
court identifiers
neutral citation, Appendix 2
reported cases, 8.2.2(a)
Commonwealth Law Reports, exception, 3.2.7(b)
neutral citation, 8.3.3(b), Appendix 3
reported cases, 8.3.2(a)
Supreme Court Reports, exception, 3.2.7(b)
England and Wales
neutral citation, 8.4.4, Appendix 4
nominate reports, 8.4.2(c)
reported cases, 8.4.3
European Court of Human Rights, 10.5.3(a)
European Union, 10.5.1(d)
general rule, 3.3.3(a)
international criminal courts and tribunals, 10.2.2
New Zealand
neutral citation
courts, 3.3.3(b), Appendix 1
tribunals, 3.3.3(c), Appendix 1
reported cases, 3.2.7(a)
particular decision of court or tribunal normally using neutral citation fails to include neutral citation, 3.3.3(d)
neutral citation, 8.5.2(b)
reported cases, 8.5.1(b)
United States
federal courts, 8.6.2
state courts, 8.6.3(a)
Supreme Court Reports, exception, 3.2.7(b)
court names, general rules, 1.1.6(c)
Court of Appeal
judges, 1.1.6(d)(i), 3.2.9(c)
neutral citation
court identifier, 3.3.3(b), Appendix 1
when adopted, 3.3.3(b)
President, 1.1.6(d)(i), 3.2.9(c)
reported cases see reported cases
suppressed names, inclusion of court file number, 3.2.1(g)
unreported cases, file number citation see unreported cases (file number citation)
Court of Appeal (Civil) Rules 2005
citation, 4.3.4
document style requirements, Appendix 6
Court of Appeal (Criminal) Rules 2001
citation, 4.3.4
document style requirements, Appendix 6
court rules
citation, 4.3.4
document style requirements, Appendix 6
courts, English, 1.1.6(d)(ii)
courts, European, 10.5
Courts of New Zealand website, 1.1.6(d)(i)
Criminal Appeal Reports, case numbers, 3.2.6(b)
cross-referencing in footnotes see footnotes
Crown, The
capitalisation, 1.1.5
case name, 3.2.1(c)
Crown Cases Reserved, official reports for England and Wales, Appendix 4
currency codes, 1.2.4
Customs Appeal Authority, 3.3.3(c), Appendix 1
centuries, 1.2.3(e)
cited cases see reported cases; unreported cases
decades, 1.2.3(d)
format, 1.2.3(b)
spans of years, 1.2.3(d)
decades, 1.2.3(d)
deemed regulations, 4.4.1
definitions, statutory, 4.1.1(d)
delegated legislation see Orders in Council
Deportation Review Authority, 3.3.3(c), Appendix 1
diacritic marks see accents
digests, citation, 3.2.5(d)
dissenting judgments, 3.2.9(d)
“District Council”, in case name, 3.2.1(b)
District Court
accident compensation appeals, court identifier, 3.3.3(b)
cases see reported cases; unreported cases
judges, 1.1.6(d)(i), 3.2.9(c)
neutral citation, court identifier, 3.3.3(b), Appendix 1
unreported cases, file number citation see unreported cases (file number citation)
district identifier, tribunal identifier including, 3.3.3(c)
document formatting
court rules, Appendix 6
footnotes see footnotes
lists, 1.2.1
numbers and dates see numbers
quoted text see quotations
university work, additional rules, Appendix 7
Dominion Law Reports, 8.3.1(b)
ebooks, 6.1.9
economic materials
GATT, 10.6.2
WTO, 10.6.1
editorials in newspapers, 7.2.2
elision of page/paragraph numbers, 1.2.3(a), 3.2.8(b)
keyboard shortcut, 1.2.2(b)(v)
quoted text, 1.2.2(a)(ii), 1.2.2(b)(v)
em dash, 1.2.3(g)
emails, 7.6
author, 7.6.2
date written, 7.6.5
general form, 7.6.1
recipient, 7.6.3
subject, 7.6.4
emphasis, 1.1.4
quoted text, 1.2.2(b)(iv)
Employment Court
judges, 1.1.6(d)(i)
neutral citation
court identifier, 3.3.3(b), Appendix 1
when adopted, 3.3.3(b)
Employment Relations Authority, 3.3.3(c)
en dash
bilateral treaties, parties’ names, 10.1.1(b)
case pinpoint, range of paragraphs or pages, 3.2.8(b)
keyboard shortcut, 1.2.3(g)
Māori Land Court/Māori Appellate Court, separation of case name and block name, 3.5.2(a)
spans of years, 1.2.3(d)
texts, multi-volume work, 6.1.7(a)
encyclopaedias see legal encyclopaedias
essay in edited book, pinpoint citation, 6.2.6(b)
looseleaf, pinpoint citation, 6.3.6
systems, 2.1.1
England and Wales see also United Kingdom
courts, 1.1.6(d)(ii)
judges, 1.1.6(d)(ii), 8.4.5
neutral citation of cases, 8.4.4, Appendix 4
reported cases
court identifier, 8.4.3
Criminal Appeal Reports, 3.2.6(b)
Fleet Street Reports, 3.2.6(b)
Law Reports (official reports), 8.4.1(a), Appendix 4
nominate reports, 8.4.2
Reports of Patent, Design and Trade Mark Cases, 3.2.6(b)
Weekly Law Reports, 8.4.1(b)
unreported cases, 8.4.4
English dictionary, use of, 1.1.1(b)
Environment Court
neutral citation
court identifier, 3.3.3(b), Appendix 1
when adopted, 3.3.3(b)
Principal Judge, 1.1.6(d)(i)
“Equity”/ “equity”, 1.1.5
essays in edited books, 6.2
author, 6.2.2
footnotes, general rules see footnotes
pinpoint reference, 6.2.6(a)
starting page, 6.2.5
text citation, 6.2.4
title, 6.2.3
“etc”/ “et cetera”, 1.1.7(a)
European cases, distinguishing between, 10.5
European Commission of Human Rights, 10.5, 10.5.4
European Court of Human Rights, 10.5, 10.5.3
court identifier, 10.5.3(a)
general form, 10.5.3
reported cases, 10.5.3(b)
unreported cases, 10.5.3(b)
European Union
cases, 10.5.1
case number, 10.5.1(a)
Official Journal, 10.5.1(b)
report series, 10.5.1(b)–(d)
unreported cases, 10.5.1(b)
legislation, 10.5.2
“ex parte”, 3.2.1(d)
Exchequer, official reports for England and Wales, Appendix 4
Executive Council members, honorific titles, 1.1.6(b)
explanatory notes (Bills), 4.2.2
extracts, citation, 3.2.5(d)
extrajudicial writing, 1.1.6(d)(v), 6.1.2(d)
Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, 10.2.2
Family Court
judges, 1.1.6(d)(i)
neutral citation
court identifier, 3.3.3(b), Appendix 1
when adopted, 3.3.3(b)
Family Division (Fam), official reports for England and Wales, 8.4.1(a), Appendix 4
family law cases, identification of parties, 3.2.1(g)
file number citation see unreported cases
Fleet Street Reports, case numbers, 3.2.6(b)
court rules, Appendix 6
university work, Appendix 7 (II)
court identifier, case without neutral citation, 3.2.7(a)
essay in edited book, pinpoint citation, 6.2.6(b)
first reference to cited source, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.3.1(a)(i)
foreign language translations, 1.1.1(e)
honorifics/post-nominal titles, 6.1.2(c)
introductory signals (“See”/ “Compare”/ “Contrast”), 2.2.4(b)
legislative provisions in, 4.1.1(d)
location, 2.2.3
location of citation information, 2.1.2
looseleaf, pinpoint citation, 6.3.6
Māori language translations, 1.1.1(c)
number format, 2.2.1
number position in main text, 2.2.2
long quotations, 1.2.2(a)(ii), 2.2.2
short quotations, 1.2.2(a)(i), 2.2.2
numbering sequence
articles/essays, 2.2.1
multi-chaptered work, 2.2.1
peerage titles in, 1.1.6(a), 6.1.2(c)
quoted text including, 1.2.2(b)(ii)
reference tags
generally, 1.1.7(d)
subsequent references to cited source, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.3.1
“above n x” format, 2.3.1(a)
commercial style, 2.3.1(b)
general style, 2.3.1(a)
cases, 2.3.1(a)(i)
essays in edited books, 2.3.1(a)(iv)
legislation, 2.3.1(a)(ii)
texts and articles, 2.3.1(a)(iii)
“Ibid”, 2.3.1(a)(i)
reference tags for cases, 2.3.2
titles of works
location of citation information, 2.1.2
foreign jurisdictions see also Australia; Canada; England and Wales; international materials; Northern Ireland Assembly; Scotland; United Kingdom; United States
international criminal courts and tribunals, 10.2.2
judges, 1.1.6(d)(iv)
foreign language materials, citation, 1.1.1(f)
foreign words or phrases, 1.1.1(e)
court rules, Appendix 6
footnotes see footnotes
lists, 1.2.1
numbers and dates see numbers
quoted text see quotations
university work, additional rules, Appendix 7
forthcoming works, 6.8
French language, legal terms, 1.1.1(d)
full stops
abbreviations, 1.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.2.4(a)
footnote format, 2.2.4(a)
lists, 1.2.1
GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade), official documents, 10.6.2
Gazette, New Zealand, 5.2.4
Gazette Law Reports (GLR), 3.2.3(b)(ii)
gender-specific language, 1.1.1(a)
General Assembly, 4.1.3
geographic names, Māori, 1.1.1(c)
government departments
capitalisation of names, 1.1.5
Māori names, 1.1.1(c)
government publications, 5.2 see also parliamentary materials
Cabinet documents, 5.2.1
Cabinet Manual, 5.2.2
Law Commission reports, 5.2.3
New Zealand Gazette, 5.2.4
press releases, official document reference, 7.4.4
reports and papers
citation, 5.4
italics in titles, 1.1.3
generally, Appendix 7
quoted text, 1.2.2(b)(iii)
Halsbury’s Laws of England
abbreviations for nominate reports, 8.4.2(b)
hardcopy, 6.5.1
online, 6.5.2
reissues, 6.5.1
Hansard, 5.1.1
court rules, Appendix 6
university work, Appendix 7 (IV)
“he”/ “his”, 1.1.1(a)
High Court
Associate Judges/Masters, 1.1.6(d)(i), 3.2.9(c)
cases see reported cases; unreported cases
judges, 1.1.6(d)(i), 3.2.9(c)
neutral citation
court identifier, 3.3.3(b), Appendix 1
when adopted, 3.3.3(b)
pre-1980, use of “SC” as court identifier, 3.2.7(a)
unreported cases, file number citation see unreported cases (file number citation)
High Court Rules
citation, 4.3.4
document style requirements, Appendix 6
historic judgments
Lost Cases Project, 3.7.2
reported in newspapers, 3.7.1
honorific titles
footnotes, references in, 6.1.2(c)
generally, 1.1.6(a)
judges, 1.1.6(d)(i)
Members of Parliament, 1.1.6(b)
House of Commons, United Kingdom Parliamentary Debates, 5.1.1
House of Lords, 1.1.6(d)(ii), 8.4.5(b)
United Kingdom Parliamentary Debates, 5.1.1
Human Rights Review Tribunal, 3.3.3(c), Appendix 1
Bills, bar number, 4.2.1(d)
en dash/em dash distinguished, 1.2.3(g)
English words, 1.1.1(b)
“Ibid”, 2.3.1(a)(i)
Immigration Advisors Complaints and Disciplinary Tribunal, 3.3.3(c), Appendix 1
Immigration and Protection Tribunal, 3.3.3(c), Appendix 1
Imperial legislation, 4.1.2, 9.4.1
“(in liq)”, 3.2.1(b)
“(in rec)”, 3.2.1(b)
“In re”/ “In the matter of”, 3.2.1(d)
“(in stat man)”, 3.2.1(b)
“Inc”, 3.2.1(b)
initialisms, 1.1.7(f)
punctuation, 2.1.3
inline referencing systems, 2.1.1
legislative provisions in, 4.1.1(d)
international criminal courts and tribunals, 10.2.2
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, 10.2.2
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, 10.2.2
International Education Appeal Authority, 3.3.3(c), Appendix 1
International Law Commission, 10.4.3
international materials, 10
arbitral decisions
reported, 10.3.1
unreported, 10.3.2
European Commission of Human Rights, 10.5, 10.5.4
European Court of Human Rights, 10.5, 10.5.3
European Union
cases, 10.5.1
legislation, 10.5.2
GATT, 10.6.2
International Court of Justice/Permanent Court of International Justice, 10.2.1
advisory opinions, 10.2.1(e)
background, 10.2.1(a)
case name, 10.2.1(b)
general form, 10.2.1
parties’ names, 10.2.1(c)
phase, 10.2.1(d)
pinpoint reference, 10.2.1(i)
publication, 10.2.1(g)
starting page or case number, 10.2.1(h)
year and volume number, 10.2.1(f)
treaties, 10.1
date, 10.1.1(d)
general form, 10.1.1
name, 10.1.1(a)
parties’ names, 10.1.1(b)
pinpoint reference, 10.1.1(e)
treaty series citation, 10.1.1(c)
United Nations see United Nations
WTO, 10.6.1
internet materials, 7.1
author, 7.1.2
blogs, 7.1.1
cases, 7.1.9
citing to paper source, 7.1.1
date of creation, 7.1.4
document title, 7.1.3
general rules, 7.1.1
paper version difficult to access, 7.1.1
pinpoint reference, 7.1.7
podcasts, 7.1.8
Uniform Resource Locator, 7.1.6
website name, 7.1.5
working papers, 7.1.1
interviews, 7.3
date, 7.3.6
general form, 7.3.1
interviewee, 7.3.2
interviewer, 7.3.4
place of interview, 7.3.5
position of interviewee, 7.3.3
programme and broadcast details, 7.3.5
publication in journal or text, 7.3.1
transcript details, 7.3.7
common case names, 3.2.1(e)
emphasis, 1.1.4
English words, 1.1.3
foreign words or phrases, 1.1.1(e)
government report titles, 1.1.3
internet document titles, 7.1.3
journal article titles, 6.4.3
looseleaf titles, 6.3.3
newspaper article titles, 7.2.3
newspaper section titles, 7.2.4
newspaper titles, 1.1.3
press release titles, 7.4.3
reference tags, 1.1.7(d)
speech titles, 7.5.3
journal articles, 6.4
author, 6.4.2
footnotes, general rules see footnotes
general form, 6.4.1
interviews, 7.3.1
issue number, 6.4.5
journal title abbreviations, 6.4.6
pinpoint reference, 6.4.8
starting page, 6.4.7
title, 6.4.3
volume number, 6.4.5
year, 6.4.4
abbreviations denoting office
Australia, 1.1.6(d)(iii)
Canada, 1.1.6(d)(iii)
England and Wales, 1.1.6(d)(ii), 8.4.5
New Zealand, 1.1.6(d)(i), 3.2.9(c)
other jurisdictions, 1.1.6(d)(iv)
acting, 1.1.6(d)(i)
Associate Judges/Masters, 1.1.6(d)(i), 3.2.9(c)
Chief Judges, 1.1.6(d)(i)
Chief Justice, 1.1.6(d)(i), 3.2.9(c)
dissenting judgments, 3.2.9(d)
extrajudicial writing, 1.1.6(d)(v), 6.1.2(d)
first names, use of, 1.1.6(d)(i), 3.2.9(b)
identification of, 3.2.9
“per”, 3.2.9(a)
Principal Judges, 1.1.6(d)(i)
QCs and SCs, 1.1.6(d)(i)
subsequent elevation or assumption of another role, 1.1.6(d)(vi), 3.2.9(e)
unreported cases, file number citation, 3.4.8
footnotes, general rules see footnotes
Lost Cases Project, 3.7.2
reported in newspapers, 3.7.1
“judgment”, 1.1.1(b)
reported see reported cases
unreported see unreported cases
jurisdiction identifiers
reported cases, 8.2.2(b)
statutes, 9.2
reported cases, 8.3.2(b)
statutes, 9.3.1(c)
New Zealand
reported cases, 3.2.7(c)
statutes, 4.1.1(c)
overseas legislation, generally, 4.1.1(c)
United Kingdom
Imperial statutes, 9.4.1(c)
national parliaments, post-1998 constitutional reforms, 9.4.3(b)
post-1998 constitutional reforms, 9.4.3(a)
pre-1998 constitutional reforms, 9.4.2
pre-1963 statutes, 9.4.1(c)
United States, 8.6.1(b)
federal courts, 8.6.2
state courts, 8.6.3(a)
justified text, Appendix 7 (III)
keyboard shortcuts
ellipsis, 1.2.2(b)(v)
en dash, 1.2.3(g)
“The King”, as party, 3.2.1(c)
Land Valuation Tribunal, 3.3.3(c), Appendix 1
foreign words or expressions not part of New Zealand current usage, 1.1.1(e)
French, legal terms, 1.1.1(d)
gender-specific, 1.1.1(a)
Latin, legal terms, 1.1.1(d)
Māori, 1.1.1(c)
spelling see spelling
Latin, legal terms, 1.1.1(d)
Law Commission reports, 5.2.3
“Law Lords”, 1.1.6(d)(ii), 8.4.5(b)
law reports
official report series, 8.2.1(a), Appendix 2
unofficial report series, 8.2.1(b)
official reports series, 8.3.1(a), Appendix 3
unofficial reports series, 8.3.1(b)
citation rules see reported cases
early report series, 3.2.5(e)
England and Wales
Law Reports (official reports), 8.4.1(a), Appendix 4
nominate reports, 8.4.2
European Commission of Human Rights, 10.5.4
European Court of Human Rights, 10.5.3(b)
European Union, 10.5.1(b)–(d)
international arbitral decisions
reported, 10.3.1
unreported, 10.3.2
International Court of Justice/Permanent Court of International Justice, 10.2.1
official series, 3.2.5(c)
organisation of, 3.2.3(a)
Scotland, 8.5.1
United States
federal courts, 8.6.2
state courts, 8.6.3(b)
unofficial series, 3.2.5(d)
Laws of England
abbreviations for nominate reports, 8.4.2(b)
hardcopy, 6.5.1
online, 6.5.2
reissues, 6.5.1
Laws of New Zealand, 6.6
hardcopy, 6.6.1
online, 6.6.2
Lawyers and Conveyancers Disciplinary Tribunal, 3.3.3(c), Appendix 1
Lebanon, Special Court for, 10.2.2
Legal Aid Tribunal, 3.3.3(c), Appendix 1
Legal Citations for Aotearoa New Zealand database, 3.2.5(a), 6.4.6
legal encyclopaedias, 6.5
hardcopy, 6.5.1
Laws of England
abbreviations for nominate reports, 8.4.2(b)
hardcopy, 6.5.1
online, 6.5.2
Laws of New Zealand, 6.6
hardcopy, 6.6.1
online, 6.6.2
online, 6.5.2
reissues, 6.5.1
legal terms, Latin and French words, 1.1.1(d)
legislation see Bills; Orders in Council; statutes
Legislative Council (1841-1853), 4.1.3
letters, 7.6
author, 7.6.2
date written, 7.6.5
general form, 7.6.1
recipient, 7.6.3
subject, 7.6.4
letters patent, 4.5
“lex causae”, 1.1.1(d)
“lex loci delicti”, 1.1.1(d)
Licensing Authority of Secondhand Dealers and Pawnbrokers, 3.3.3(c), Appendix 1
line numbers, reported cases, 3.2.8(a)
Liquor Licensing Authority, 3.3.3(c), Appendix 1
lists, 1.2.1
looseleaf texts, 6.3
edition, 6.3.4
editor/author, 6.3.2
general form, 6.3.1
online edition, 6.3.4
date of access, 6.3.7
pinpoint reference, 6.3.6
publisher, 6.3.5
service update, 6.3.7
title, 6.3.3
Lost Cases Project, 3.7.2
Macassey’s Reports, 3.2.5(e)
macrons, 1.1.1(c)
magazine articles see newspaper and magazine articles
“man”/ “men”/ “mankind”, 1.1.1(a)
Māori Land Court/Māori Appellate Court, 3.5
block name, 3.5.2
case name
applications filed by Chief Registrar or Deputy Registrar, 3.5.1(c)
contested case, 3.5.1(a)
uncontested case, 3.5.1(b)
Chief Judges’ books, 3.5.5(b)
court identifiers, 3.3.3(b), Appendix 1
judges, 1.1.6(d)(i)
minute book citation, 3.5.5
minute book reference, 3.5.4
Native Land Court decisions, 3.5, 3.5.1(d), 3.5.5(c)
pinpoint reference, 3.5.6
year of judgment, 3.5.3
Māori words
dictionary to use, 1.1.1(c)
explanations, 1.1.1(c)
macrons, 1.1.1(c)
organisation names, 1.1.1(c)
place names, 1.1.1(c)
quoted text, 1.1.1(c)
spelling, 1.1.1(c)
translations, 1.1.1(c)
court rules, Appendix 6
university work, Appendix 7 (III)
Masters of the High Court, 1.1.6(d)(i), 3.2.9(c)
measurement, metric, 1.1.7(c)
media releases see press releases
Members of Parliament, 1.1.6(b)
monetary amounts, 1.2.4
Motor Vehicle Disputes Tribunal, 3.3.3(c), Appendix 1
“Mr”/ “Mrs”/ “Ms”, 1.1.6(a)
countries, 1.1.7(e)
court, 1.1.6(c)
personal see names, personal
names, personal
capitalisation, 1.1.5
Australia, 1.1.6(d)(iii)
Canada, 1.1.6(d)(iii)
England, 1.1.6(d)(ii)
New Zealand, 1.1.6(d)(i), 3.2.9(c)
other jurisdictions, 1.1.6(d)(iv)
Members of Parliament, 1.1.6(b)
parties see reported cases; unreported cases
suppressed names, 3.2.1(g)
titles see titles (persons’ names)
National Assembly for Wales, 9.4.3(b)
Native Land Court decisions, 3.5, 3.5.1(d), 3.5.5(c)
neutral citations
Australia, 8.2.3, Appendix 2
Canada, 8.3.3(a), Appendix 3
availability, 8.3.3(b)
year (distinguishing from report series citations), 8.3.3(a)
court identifier, usage generally, 3.2.7(a)
England and Wales, Appendix 4, 8.4.4
NZ courts, 3.3.3(b), Appendix 1
NZ tribunals, 3.3.3(c), Appendix 1
official and non-official, 3.2.2(a)
particular decision of court or tribunal normally using neutral citation fails to include neutral citation, 3.3.3(d)
purpose, 3.1(a)
case history included, 3.2.11
order of preference of report series, 3.1(b)
report series organised by volume number, 3.2.3(a)
separation from reported citation, 3.2.2(c)
Scotland, 8.5.2
unreported cases see unreported cases
New Zealand Administrative Reports (NZAR), 3.2.3(b)(iii) see also law reports; reported cases
New Zealand Council for Law Reporting, 3.2.5(c)
New Zealand Court of Appeal Reports (1867-1877), 3.2.5(e)
New Zealand dollar amounts, 1.2.4
New Zealand Gazette, 5.2.4
New Zealand Jurist (1873-1879), 3.2.5(e)
New Zealand Jurist Reports (New Series) (1875-1878), 3.2.5(e)
New Zealand Law Reports (NZLR) see also law reports; reported cases
as official series, 3.2.5(c)
citation, 3.2.3(b)(i)
Privy Council judgment also reported in AC, 3.2.5(c)
New Zealand Legal Information Institute (NZLII), judgment numbering system, 3.2.2(a), 3.3
“New Zealand”/ “NZ”, 1.1.7(e)
New Zealand’s Lost Cases Project, 3.7.2
news media releases see press releases
newspaper and magazine articles, 7.2
author, 7.2.2
date of publication, 7.2.6
editorials, 7.2.2
general form, 7.2.1
pinpoint reference, 7.2.7
place of publication
generally, 7.2.5(a)
online edition, 7.2.5(b)
section title, 7.2.4
title, 7.2.3
nominate reports (England and Wales), 8.4.2
Northern Ireland Assembly, 9.4.3(b)
nouns, capitalisation of, 1.1.5
numbered lists, 1.2.1
commas in, 1.2.3(a)
centuries, 1.2.3(e)
decades, 1.2.3(d)
format, 1.2.3(b)
spans of years, 1.2.3(d)
expression of, High Court Rules, Appendix 6
numerals vs spelled out, 1.2.3(a)
ordinal, 1.2.3(f)
page and paragraph ranges, 1.2.3(a)
percentages, 1.2.3(a)
time, 1.2.3(c)
Nuremberg, war crimes tribunal, 10.2.2
“obiter dictum”/“obiter dicta”, 1.1.1(d)
Official Information Act 1982, material obtained under, 5.3
official place names, Māori, 1.1.1(c)
omissions, quoted text, 1.2.2(a)(ii), 1.2.2(b)(v)
online legal encyclopaedias, 6.5.2, 6.6.2
online materials see emails; internet materials; Laws of New Zealand; looseleaf texts; newspaper and magazine articles; online legal encyclopaedias
online template, styles for university work, Appendix 7 (I)
Orders in Council, 4.3.1
court rules
citation, 4.3.4
document style requirements, Appendix 6
defined, 4.3.1
instruments in their own right, 4.3.3
statutory instruments: regulations, rules and orders, 4.3.2
reference, 4.3.2(c)
title, 4.3.2(a)
year, 4.3.2(b)
ordinal numbers, 1.2.3(f)
Ordinances (pre-1854), 4.1.3
organisation names
capitalisation, 1.1.5
Māori names, 1.1.1(c)
overseas jurisdictions see also Australia; Canada; England and Wales; international materials; Northern Ireland Assembly; Scotland; United Kingdom; United States
international criminal courts and tribunals, 10.2.2
judges, 1.1.6(d)(iv)
Oxford comma, 1.1.2
page numbers
ranges, 1.2.3(a)
starting page/pinpoint references see specific sources of information (eg ebooks; essays in edited books; journal articles; reported cases; texts; unreported cases)
papers, citation see government publications; parliamentary materials; unpublished papers
paragraph numbers
long quotations from judgments, 1.2.2(a)(ii)
pinpoint references see specific sources of information (eg ebooks; looseleaf texts; reported cases; unreported cases)
ranges, 1.2.3(a)
parallel citations, 3.2.10
Members’ names, 1.1.6(b)
“Parliament”/ “parliamentary”, 1.1.5
Speaker of the House of Representatives: “Rt Hon”, 1.1.6(b)
parliamentary materials, 5.1 see also government publications
AJHR, 5.1.2
Law Commission reports, 5.2.3
Hansard, 5.1.1
select committee reports
on Bills, 4.2.2
other, 5.2.5
select committee submissions, 5.1.3
Standing Orders, 5.1.4
United Kingdom Parliamentary Debates, 5.1.1
part numbers, report series, 3.2.4(b),(c)
peerage titles
footnotes, references in, 1.1.6(a), 6.1.2(c)
Justices of the Supreme Court for the United Kingdom, 1.1.6(d)(ii)
“per”, 3.2.9(a)
“per se”, 1.1.1(d)
percentages, 1.2.3(a)
Permanent Court of International Justice, 10.2.1
personal names see names, personal
personal pronouns, 1.1.1(a)
pilcrow sign (¶), with unique case numbers, 3.2.6(b)
pinpoint references see specific sources of information (eg ebooks; essays in edited books; international materials; internet materials; journal articles; looseleaf texts; press releases; reported cases; texts; unreported cases)
place names, Māori, 1.1.1(c)
“plc”, 3.2.1(b)
“pm”/ “am”, 1.1.7(b)
podcasts, 7.1.8
post-nominal titles, 1.1.6(a), 6.1.2(c)
press releases, 7.4
author, 7.4.2
date of publication, 7.4.5
description of document, 7.4.4
general form, 7.4.1
government document reference, 7.4.4
pinpoint reference, 7.4.6
title, 7.4.3
“prima facie”, 1.1.1(d)
Prime Minister: “Rt Hon”, 1.1.6(b)
Principal Judges, 1.1.6(d)(i)
Private Security Personnel Licensing Authority, 3.3.3(c), Appendix 1
Privy Council
citation of judgment reported in NZLR and AC, 3.2.5(c)
Commonwealth Law Reports, court identifier, 3.2.7(b)
neutral citation
court identifier, 3.3.3(b), Appendix 1
when adopted, 3.3.3(b)
restructuring of English court system, 1.1.6(d)(ii)
Privy Counsellors, honorific titles, 1.1.6(b)
proclamations, 4.6
“Professor”, 1.1.6(a), 6.1.2(c)
proper nouns, capitalisation of, 1.1.5
provincial legislation, post-1854, 4.1.4(d)
provincial legislative councils (1848-1853), 4.1.3
provisional Ordinances, pre-1854, 4.1.3(a)
bilateral treaties, parties’ names, 10.1.1(b)
commas in numbers, 1.2.3(a)
full stops in abbreviations, 1.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.2.4(a)
general rule, 1.1.2
lists, 1.2.1
judgment including paragraph numbers, 1.2.2(a)(ii)
long, 1.2.2(a)(ii), 2.2.2
short, 1.2.2(a)(i), 2.2.2
serial commas, 1.1.2
“The Queen”, as party, 3.2.1(c)
Queen’s Bench (QB), official reports for England and Wales, 8.4.1(a), Appendix 4
Queen’s Counsel (QC)
generally, 1.1.6(a)
judges, 1.1.6(d)(i)
quotation marks
in titles
internet documents, 7.1.3
journal articles, 6.4.3
newspaper articles, 7.2.3
press releases, 7.4.3
speeches, 7.5.3
quotations within quotations, 1.2.2(b)(i)
reference tags, 1.1.7(d)
short quotations, 1.2.2(a)(i)
alterations, general rule, 1.2.2(b)(iii)
alternative spellings, 1.1.1(b)
citations within, 1.2.2(b)(ii)
emphasis added, 1.2.2(b)(iv)
footnotes within, 1.2.2(b)(ii)
grammar, 1.2.2(b)(iii)
judgment including paragraph numbers, 1.2.2(a)(ii)
long, 1.2.2(a)(ii), 2.2.2
Māori words, 1.1.1(c)
mistakes and errors, 1.2.2(b)(iii)
omissions (ellipses), 1.2.2(a)(ii), 1.2.2(b)(v)
quotations within, 1.2.2(b)(i)
short, 1.2.2(a)(i), 2.2.2
“sic”, 1.2.2(b)(iii)
“R” (Regina/Rex), 3.2.1(c)
radio interviews see interviews
“ratio decidendi”/“rationes decidendi”, 1.1.1(d)
“Re”, 3.2.1(d)
Real Estate Agents Disciplinary Tribunal, 3.3.3(c), Appendix 1
generally, 1.1.7(d)
references to a work referred to in another work, 6.9
“Regional Council”, in case name, 3.2.1(b)
regnal years, Appendix 5
Imperial legislation, 9.4.1(d)
pre-1853 Ordinances, 4.1.3(c)
United Kingdom, pre-1963 statutes, 9.4.1(d)
European Union, 10.5.2
New Zealand see Orders in Council
Remuneration Authority determinations, 4.4.2
reported cases, 3.2
Australian Trade Practices Reports, 3.2.6(b)
Commonwealth Law Reports, court identifier exception, 3.2.7(b)
court identifier, 8.2.2(a)
general rules, 8.1
jurisdiction identifier, 8.2.2(b)
neutral citation available, 8.2.3, Appendix 2
official report series, 8.2.1(a), Appendix 2
unofficial report series, 8.2.1(b)
Butterworths Current Law, 3.2.5(d)
court identifier, 8.3.2(a)
general rules, 8.1
jurisdiction identifier, 8.3.2(b)
neutral citation available, 8.3.3(a), Appendix 3
official report series, 8.3.1(a), Appendix 3
Supreme Court Reports, court identifier exception, 3.2.7(b)
unofficial report series, 8.3.1(b)
Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations, 3.2.5(a)
case history (“aff’d”/ “rev’d”), 3.2.11
case name, 3.2.1
“& Anor”/ “& Ors”, 3.2.1(b)
abbreviated names, 3.2.1(f)
additional information about parties, 3.2.1(b)
capital letters, 3.2.1(b)
case involving more than one action, 3.2.1(b)
common names, 3.2.1(e)
company abbreviations, 3.2.1(b)
consolidated cases, 3.2.1(i)
Crown, 3.2.1(c)
“ex parte”, 3.2.1(d)
family law cases, 3.2.1(g)
multiple cases with same parties in same court, 3.2.1(h)
names not abbreviated, 3.2.1(b)
procedural phrases, 3.2.1(d)
“Re”, 3.2.1(d)
suppressed names, 3.2.1(g)
“v”, 3.2.1(a)
court identifier, 3.2.7(a)
exceptions, 3.2.7(b)
England and Wales
court identifier, 8.4.3
Criminal Appeal Reports, 3.2.6(b)
Fleet Street Reports, 3.2.6(b)
general rules, 8.1
Law Reports (official reports), 8.4.1(a), Appendix 4
nominate reports, 8.4.2
Reports of Patent, Design and Trade Mark Cases, 3.2.6(b)
Weekly Law Reports, 8.4.1(b)
European Commission of Human Rights, 10.5.4
European Court of Human Rights, 10.5.3(b)
European Union, 10.5.1(b)–(d)
extracts or digests, 3.2.5(d)
international arbitral decisions
reported, 10.3.1
unreported, 10.3.2
International Court of Justice/Permanent Court of International Justice, 10.2.1
judge identifier, 3.2.9
abbreviations, 3.2.9(c)
dissenting judgment, 3.2.9(d)
first name, use of, 3.2.9(b)
general rule, 3.2.9(a)
“per”, 3.2.9(a)
subsequent elevation, 3.2.9(e)
jurisdiction identifier, 3.2.7(c)
Legal Citations for Aotearoa New Zealand database, 3.2.5(a)
neutral citation available, 3.1(a), 3.2.2
case history included, 3.2.11
order of preference of report series, 3.1(b)
report series organised by volume number, 3.2.3(a)
separation from reported citation, 3.2.2(c)
online sources, 7.1.9
parallel citations, 3.2.10
part numbers, 3.2.4(b)
arabic numerals, 3.2.4(c)
pinpoint reference, 3.2.8
format, 3.2.8(b)
line numbers, 3.2.8(a)
page numbers, 3.2.8(a),(b)
paragraph numbers, 3.2.8(a),(b)
range of paragraphs or pages, 3.2.8(b)
subparagraphs, 3.2.8(b)
report series
abbreviation of name, 3.2.5(a)
number, 3.2.5(b)
official, 3.2.5(c)
unofficial, 3.2.5(d)
court identifier, 8.5.1(b)
general rules, 8.1
years and brackets, 8.5.1(a)
starting page, 3.2.6
judgment followed by an appeal under same headnote, 3.2.6(a)
rule, 3.2.6(a)
unique case number assigned, 3.2.6(b)
United States see United States
volume number, 3.2.4(a)
arabic numerals, 3.2.4(c)
change in law report structure, 3.2.3(b)
Gazette Law Reports, 3.2.3(b)(ii)
New Zealand Administrative Reports, 3.2.3(b)(iii)
New Zealand Law Reports, 3.2.3(b)(i)
round or square brackets, 3.2.3(a)
reports, citation see government publications; parliamentary materials
Reports of Patent, Design and Trade Mark Cases, case numbers, 3.2.6(b)
research papers, 6.7.1
“rev’d” (reversed), 3.2.11
“Rt Hon”, 1.1.6(b)
rules, statutory see Orders in Council
rules of court
citation, 4.3.4
document style requirements, Appendix 6
Rwanda, International Criminal Tribunal for, 10.2.2
Scotland see also United Kingdom
neutral citation of cases, 8.5.2
reported cases
court identifier, 8.5.1(b)
years and brackets, 8.5.1(a)
statutes of the Scottish Parliament, 9.4.3(b)
“See” references in footnotes, 2.2.4(b)
select committees
AJHR, 5.1.2
amendment of Bills, 4.2.1(d)
on Bills, 4.2.2
other, 5.2.5
submissions, 5.1.3
seminar papers, 6.7.2
Senior Counsel (SC)
generally, 1.1.6(a)
judges, 1.1.6(d)(i)
Senior Courts of England and Wales, 1.1.6(d)(ii)
serial commas, 1.1.2
shorthand terms, 1.1.7(a)
“sic”, 1.2.2(b)(iii)
Sierra Leone, Special Court for, 10.2.2
signature requirements, High Court Rules, Appendix 6
Social Science Research Network (SSRN), 7.1.1
Social Security Appeal Authority, 3.3.3(c), Appendix 1
solicitor filing documents, High Court Rules, Appendix 6
“Solicitor-General”, in case name, 3.2.1(b)
sources, citation generally see citation
Speaker of the House of Representatives: “Rt Hon”, 1.1.6(b)
Special Court for Lebanon, 10.2.2
Special Court for Sierra Leone, 10.2.2
speeches, 7.5
date delivered, 7.5.5
general form, 7.5.1
location, 7.5.4
minister or official speaker, 7.5.2
role of speaker, 7.5.2
speaker, 7.5.2
title, 7.5.3
English words, 1.1.1(b)
hyphens, 1.1.1(b)
internet document titles, 7.1.3
journal article titles, 6.4.3
“judgment”, 1.1.1(b)
Māori words, 1.1.1(c)
newspaper article titles, 7.2.3
press release titles, 7.4.3
quoted text
alternative spellings, 1.1.1(b)
mistakes and errors, 1.2.2(b)(iii)
“s” vs “z”, 1.1.1(b)
speech titles, 7.5.3
United Kingdom, pre-1963 statutes, 9.4.1(a)
Standing Orders, 5.1.4
“stare decisis”, 1.1.1(d)
Australia, 9.2
Canada, 9.3.1
capitalisation of word “Act”, 1.1.5
footnotes, general rules see footnotes
general form, 4.1.1
amendment Act, short title, 4.1.1(a)
definitions, references to, 4.1.1(d)
jurisdiction, 4.1.1(c)
reference, 4.1.1(d)
reference abbreviations, 1.1.7(g), 4.1.1(d)
short title, 4.1.1(a)
year enacted, 4.1.1(b)
Imperial legislation, 4.1.2, 9.4.1
National Assembly for Wales, 9.4.3(b)
Northern Ireland Assembly, 9.4.3(b)
Ordinances, pre-1854, 4.1.3
Ordinance number, 4.1.3(d)
provisional Ordinances, 4.1.3(a)
reference, 4.1.3(e)
regnal year, 4.1.3(c)
title, 4.1.3(a)
year enacted, 4.1.3(b)
post-1854, 4.1.4
jurisdiction, 4.1.4(a)
provincial legislation, 4.1.4(d)
reference, 4.1.4(c)
short title, 4.1.4(a)
year enacted, 4.1.4(b)
Scottish Parliament, 9.4.3(b)
United Kingdom
modern statutes
post-1998 reforms, 9.4.3
pre-1998 constitutional reforms, 9.4.2
pre-1963, 9.4.1
United States
codes, 9.5.1
model laws, 9.5.3
restatements of the law, 9.5.4
session laws, 9.5.2
Statutes Amendment Bills, 4.2.1(b)
statutory instruments
letters patent, 4.5
regulations, rules and orders, 4.3.2
Remuneration Authority determinations, 4.4.2
Student Allowance Appeal Authority, 3.3.3(c), Appendix 1
Supplementary Order Papers (SOPs), 4.2.3
suppressed names, 3.2.1(g)
Supreme Court
High Court, pre-1980, distinction, 3.2.7(a)
judges, 1.1.6(d)(i), 3.2.9(c)
neutral citation
court identifier, 3.3.3(b), Appendix 1
when adopted, 3.3.3(b)
reported cases see reported cases
transcripts of oral argument, 3.8
unreported cases, file number citation see unreported cases (file number citation)
Supreme Court for the United Kingdom, 1.1.6(d)(ii)
Supreme Court Reports (SCR), court identifier exception, 3.2.7(b)
Supreme Court Rules 2004
citation, 4.3.4
document style requirements, Appendix 6
Taxation Review Authority, 3.3.3(c), Appendix 1
television interviews see interviews
template, styles for university work, Appendix 7 (I)
Tenancy Tribunal, 3.3.3(c)
texts, 6.1
author, 6.1.2
anonymous, 6.1.2(b)
each chapter has identified author, 6.1.2(f)
extrajudicial writing, 6.1.2(d)
honorifics or titles in footnotes, 6.1.2(c)
multiple, 6.1.2(e)
names, 6.1.2(a)
ebooks, 6.1.9
edition, 6.1.4(a)
editor/general editor, 6.1.2(g)
essays in edited books, 6.2
author, 6.2.2
general form, 6.2.1
pinpoint reference, 6.2.6(a)
starting page, 6.2.5
text citation, 6.2.4
title, 6.2.3
footnotes, general rules see footnotes
foreign language titles, 1.1.1(f)
general form, 6.1.1
interviews in, 7.3.1
looseleaf see looseleaf texts
pinpoint reference, 6.1.8
chapters, 6.1.8(b)
generally, 6.1.8(a)
multi-volume works, 6.1.8(c)
place of publication, 6.1.6
common names, 6.1.6(b)
multiple places, 6.1.6(a)
obscure places, 6.1.6(c)
publisher, 6.1.5(a)
subtitle, 6.1.3(a)
year of publication, multi-volume works, 6.1.7(a)
theses, 6.7.1
titles (persons’ names)
conventional titles, 1.1.6(a)
footnotes, references in, 6.1.2(c)
honorific titles
footnotes, references in, 6.1.2(c)
generally, 1.1.6(a)
judges, 1.1.6(d)(i)
Members of Parliament, 1.1.6(b)
peerage titles
footnotes, references in, 1.1.6(a), 6.1.2(c)
Justices of the Supreme Court for the United Kingdom, 1.1.6(d)(ii)
post-nominal, 1.1.6(a), 6.1.2(c)
titles (works) see specific sources of information (eg essays in edited books; government publications; internet materials; journal articles; newspaper and magazine articles; texts)
Tokyo, war crimes tribunal, 10.2.2
interviews, 7.3.7
Supreme Court oral argument, 3.8
foreign language titles, 1.1.1(f)
foreign language words or phrases, 1.1.1(e)
Māori language, 1.1.1(c)
treaties, 10.1
date, 10.1.1(d)
general form, 10.1.1
name, 10.1.1(a)
parties’ names, 10.1.1(b)
pinpoint reference, 10.1.1(e)
treaty series citation, 10.1.1(c)
tribunals, neutral citation, 3.3.3(c), Appendix 1
“ultra vires”, 1.1.1(d)
Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), 7.1.6
United Kingdom see also England and Wales; Scotland
Parliamentary Debates, 5.1.1
post-1998 constitutional reforms, 9.4.3
pre-1998 constitutional reforms, 9.4.2
pre-1963, 9.4.1
Supreme Court, 1.1.6(d)(ii)
United Nations
constitutive documents, general form, 10.4.1
other documents
author, 10.4.2(a)
general form, 10.4.2
pinpoint reference, 10.4.2(f)
resolution number, 10.4.2(b)
session number, 10.4.2(c)
title, 10.4.2(a)
UN document number, 10.4.2(d)
year, 10.4.2(e)
United States
federal courts, 8.6.2
Courts of Appeals, 8.6.2(b)
District Court, 8.6.2(a)
Supreme Court, 8.6.2(c)
Supreme Court Reports, court identifier exception, 3.2.7(b)
general rules, 8.1
jurisdiction, 8.6.1(b)
state courts, 8.6.3
court identifier, 8.6.3(a)
jurisdiction, 8.6.3(a)
report series, 8.6.3(b)
year of decision, 8.6.1(a)
codes, 9.5.1
model laws, 9.5.3
restatements of the law, 9.5.4
session laws, 9.5.2
“United States”/ “USA”, 1.1.7(e)
units of metric measurement, 1.1.7(c)
university work, additional style rules, Appendix 7
unpublished interviews see interviews
unpublished papers, 6.7
conference papers, 6.7.2
research papers, 6.7.1
seminars, 6.7.2
theses, 6.7.1
unreported cases
general rules, 8.1
neutral citation, 8.2.3, Appendix 2, 8.1
general rules, 8.1
neutral citation, 8.3.3(b), Appendix 3
case name, 3.2.1
“& Anor”/ “& Ors”, 3.2.1(b)
abbreviated names, 3.2.1(f)
additional information about parties, 3.2.1(b)
capital letters, 3.2.1(b)
case involving more than one action, 3.2.1(b)
common names, 3.2.1(e)
company abbreviations, 3.2.1(b)
consolidated cases, 3.2.1(i)
Crown, 3.2.1(c)
“ex parte”, 3.2.1(d)
family law cases, 3.2.1(g)
multiple cases with same parties in same court, 3.2.1(h)
names not abbreviated, 3.2.1(b)
procedural phrases, 3.2.1(d)
“Re”, 3.2.1(d)
suppressed names, 3.2.1(g)
“v”, 3.2.1(a)
England and Wales
general rules, 8.1
neutral citation, 8.4.4, Appendix 4
European Court of Human Rights, 10.5.3(b)
European Union, 10.5.1(b)
historic judgments (NZ)
Lost Cases Project, 3.7.2
reported in newspapers, 3.7.1
neutral citation available, 3.1(a), 3.3, 3.4
case name, 3.3.1
court identifier
general rule, 3.3.3(a)
NZ courts, 3.3.3(b), Appendix 1
NZ tribunals, 3.3.3(c), Appendix 1
judgment number, 3.3.4
pinpoint reference, 3.3.1
year of decision, 3.3.2
neutral citation unavailable (NZ) see unreported cases (file number citation)
online sources, 7.1.9
pinpoint reference, 3.2.8
format, 3.2.8(b)
line numbers, 3.2.8(a)
page numbers, 3.2.8(a),(b)
paragraph numbers, 3.2.8(a),(b)
range of paragraphs or pages, 3.2.8(b)
subparagraphs, 3.2.8(b)
general rules, 8.1
neutral citation, 8.5.2
United States, general rules, 8.1
unreported cases (file number citation), 3.1(c), 3.4
court abbreviation, 3.4.3
Court of Appeal, 3.4.1(b)
case name, 3.4.2
date of judgment, 3.4.6
file number, 3.4.5(b)
judge identifier, 3.4.8
minutes and rulings given during trial, 3.4.7
multiple file numbers, 3.4.5(e)
other formats, 3.4.5(d)
pinpoint reference, 3.4.2
registry, 3.4.4
separation of file number from date of judgment, 3.4.5(f)
District Court, 3.4.1(d)
case name, 3.4.2
date of judgment, 3.4.6
file number, 3.4.5(c)
judge identifier, 3.4.8
minutes and rulings given during trial, 3.4.7
multiple file numbers, 3.4.5(e)
other formats, 3.4.5(d)
pinpoint reference, 3.4.2
registry, 3.4.4
High Court, 3.4.1(c)
case name, 3.4.2
date of judgment, 3.4.6
file number, 3.4.5(c)
judge identifier, 3.4.8
minutes and rulings given during trial, 3.4.7
multiple file numbers, 3.4.5(e)
other formats, 3.4.5(d)
pinpoint reference, 3.4.2
registry, 3.4.4
online sources, 7.1.9
other courts and tribunals, 3.4.1(e)
Supreme Court, 3.4.1(a)
case name, 3.4.2
civil cases, file number, 3.4.5(a)
criminal cases, file number, 3.4.5(a)
date of judgment, 3.4.6
judge identifier, 3.4.8
minutes and rulings given during trial, 3.4.7
multiple file numbers, 3.4.5(e)
other formats, 3.4.5(d)
pinpoint reference, 3.4.2
registry, 3.4.4
separation of file number from date of judgment, 3.4.5(f)
transcripts of oral argument, 3.8
“v” (versus), 3.2.1(a)
volume numbers, report series, 3.2.4(a),(c)
vowel modifiers
foreign words or names, 1.1.1(e)
macrons in Māori words, 1.1.1(c)
Waitangi Tribunal reports, 3.3.3(b), 3.6
Wales see also United Kingdom
cases see England and Wales
statutes of the National Assembly, 9.4.3(b)
war crimes tribunals, 10.2.2
Weathertight Homes Tribunal, 3.3.3(c)
web materials see internet materials
Weekly Law Reports (WLR), 8.4.1(b)
Western Weekly Reports, 8.3.1(b)
WTO (World Trade Organization), official documents, 10.6.1
centuries, 1.2.3(e)
cited cases see reported cases; unreported cases
decades, 1.2.3(d)
regulations, rules and orders, 4.3.2(b)
spans, 1.2.3(d)
Youth Court
court identifier, Appendix 1
judges, 1.1.6(d)(i)
Yugoslavia, International Criminal Tribunal for, 10.2.2