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4.4.1 Deemed regulations

Deemed regulations are statutory instruments:

As deemed regulations are made by a variety of people, they may take a variety of different forms. Deemed regulations should be cited as consistently as possible with the form of citation for Orders in Council that are statutory instruments (see rule 4.3.2 above).

Eg Civil Aviation Rules, r 19.5.

Eg Electricity Industry Participation Code 2010, cl 10.15.

Eg Telecommunications Information Privacy Code 2003, r 3.

Information about deemed regulations is available from the Parliamentary Counsel Office’s website (Parliamentary Counsel Office “Deemed regulations” (1 August 2011) <www.pco.parliament.govt.nz>), including.

4.4.2 Determinations of the Remuneration Authority

Determinations of the Remuneration Authority are not deemed regulations.

Determinations of the Authority should be cited in the same manner as Orders in Council that are statutory instruments (see rule 4.3.2 above). Determinations are divided into clauses which take the abbreviation “cl” or “cls” in the plural.

Eg Civil List Determination 2011, cl 4(2).

Eg Judicial Salaries and Allowances Determination 2010, cl 6(3).

Eg Parliamentary Salaries and Allowances Determination 2010, cl 5(2).


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