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4.2 Bills

4.2.1 General form

The format for citing Bills is as follows:


Short title

Year of introduction

Bill number

Bar number



Judicial Matters Bill




, cl 3







Eg Judicial Matters Bill 2008 (216-1), cl 3.

(a) Short title

Cite the short title as it appears on the Bill.

If the Bill has been given a number, include this after the short title.

Eg Arms Amendment Bill (No 3) 2005 (248-1).

(b) Year of introduction

The year of introduction is not part of the Bill’s title. However, give the year of introduction so that future readers can identify the particular Bill being referred to. For example, there is a Statutes Amendment Bill introduced most years. Without referring to the year of introduction, it would be difficult to identify the particular Statutes Amendment Bill being referred to.

Parliament does not include the year a Bill was introduced in the Bill’s title but instead uses “(No 2)” or “(No 3)” to distinguish between Bills that have identical titles introduced within the same parliamentary term. Accordingly, the Education Amendment Bill (No 3) 2008 (295-1) is not the third Education Amendment Bill introduced in 2008 but the third Education Amendment Bill introduced during the 48th parliamentary term.

(c) Bill number

The Bill number can be found in the footer of the Bill. Place this in round brackets, together with the bar number, and insert after the year of introduction.

Eg Securities Legislation Bill 2004 (234-2).

(d) Bar number

The bar number, preceded by a hyphen, indicates which version of a Bill is being referred to, indicating how many times the Bill has been amended. The bar number is included together with the Bill number in the footer of the Bill.

Usually, Bills are amended (if at all) at select committee or in the committee of the whole House, but:


There is no space between the Bill number and bar number.

Eg Business Law Reform Bill 2003 (56-2).

Where a Bill is being referred to in a general way and the particular version is not material, the bar number may be omitted.

Eg Judicial Retirement Age Bill 2006 (90).

(e) Divided Bills

A slightly different numbering convention applies if a Bill is divided into several Bills. When Bills are divided, the divided Bills will carry the same Bill number as the “parent” Bill but will be distinguished by being referred to as bar-3A, 3B, or 3C.

For example, the Tertiary Education Reform Bill 2001 (180-2) was divided at the committee stage into two Bills, neither of which bore the same title as the parent Bill: the Education (Tertiary Reform) Amendment Bill 2001 (180-3A) and the Industry Training Amendment Bill 2001 (180-3B).

If one of the divided Bills bears the same name as the parent Bill, it will be referred to without a letter reference. For example, the Animal Products Amendment Bill 2001 was divided into the Animal Products Amendment Bill 2001 (194-3) and the Animal Products (Ancillary and Transitional Provisions) Amendment Bill 2001 (194-3A).

(f) Reference

References for Bills are similar to references for statutes. Give them in accordance with rule 4.1.1(d).

Use the following abbreviations in references to a Bill, except where the word appears at the start of a sentence:









4.2.2 Select committee reports, and explanatory notes

The format for citing select committee reports on, and explanatory notes to, Bills is as follows:


Bill citation




Judicial Matters Bill 2008 (216-1)

(explanatory note)

at 5





Eg Judicial Matters Bill 2008 (216-1) (explanatory note) at 5.

Eg Unit Titles Bill 2008 (212-2) (select committee report) at 4.

(a) Bill citation

Provide the full citation of the Bill that the select committee report or the explanatory note relates to in accordance with rule 4.2.1.

(b) Locator

Specify, in parentheses, the location in the Bill that is being referenced, for example “(explanatory note)” or “(select committee report)”.

(c) Pinpoint

Give the pinpoint in the numeric style of the original document.

4.2.3 Supplementary order papers

The format for citing supplementary order papers is as follows:


SOP and year

SOP number

Bill citation



Supplementary Order Paper 2006


Evidence Bill 2005 (256-1)

(explanatory note) at 3






Eg Supplementary Order Paper 2006 (79) Evidence Bill 2005 (256-1) (explanatory note) at 3.

(a) SOP and year

Begin with the words “Supplementary Order Paper” followed by the year in which the Supplementary Order Paper was released.

(b) SOP number

Give the Supplementary Order Paper number in round brackets. Supplementary Order Papers are numbered sequentially over a year.

(c) Bill citation

Following the Supplementary Order Paper number, give the Bill citation in accordance with rule 4.2.1.

(d) Pinpoint

Include the pinpoint reference after the bill citation, preceded by a comma. If the explanatory note is being referenced, this should be indicated.

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