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10.5 European materials

When dealing with European materials, it is important to distinguish between cases from the Court of Justice of the European Union (formerly the European Court of Justice) and the General Court (formerly the Court of First Instance), and those from the European Court (and Commission) of Human Rights. The former are the judicial machinery of the European Union. The latter come under the auspices of the Council of Europe – a different body with different membership and different institutional machinery. Different rules apply with respect to each.

10.5.1 General form for European Union cases

The general form for citing cases from the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and the General Court (GCE), as well as their predecessor bodies the European Court of Justice (ECJ) and the Court of First Instance (CFI) is as follows:


Case number

Case name


Report series



Case C-34/89

Smith v EC Commission










Eg Case C-34/89 Smith v EC Commission [1993] ECR I-454.

(a) Case number

Always insert the case number before the name of the case. Since 1989, these case names have been prefixed with either a “C” (decisions from the CJEU or ECJ) or a “T” (decisions from the GCE or CFI). Include this prefix in the citation of post-1989 cases.

Do not separate the case number and name with a comma.

Eg Case 19/84 Pharmon BV v Hoescht AG [1985] ECR 2281.

Eg Case C-422/99 French Republic v Commission [2002] ECR I-4397.

Eg Case C-315/94 De Vos v Stadt Bielefeld [1996] ECR 1417.

(b) Report series

The European Court Reports (ECR) is the official report series and should always be preferred.

If the ECR citation is not available, then either the Common Law Market Reports (CLMR) or an English report series can be used.

If the case is unreported, the notification in the Official Journal (OJ) may be used. This is searchable online at <www.eur-lex.europa.eu/en/index.htm>. This website will also advise whether a case has been reported in the ECR.

For cases not yet reported in the OJ, give the case number, case name, court and date of judgment.

Eg Case T-186/06 Solvay SA v European Commission (GCE 16 June 2011).

(c) Page number

Since 1989, the ECR has been split into two volumes. Where present, the volume number should attach to the page number and not the report series.

The ECR I contains CJEU and ECJ cases (“C” prefix) and the ECJ II contains GCE and CFI cases (“T” prefix).

(d) Court identifier

When citing to the ECR a court identifier is not required because the court is clear from the volume.

When an unofficial report series is used, such as the WLR, include one of the following court identifiers: CJEU (Court of Justice of the European Union); GCE (General Court); CFI (Court of First Instance); or ECJ (European Court of Justice).

Eg Case C-135/08 Rottmann v Freistat Bayern [2010] 1 QB 761 (CJEU).

10.5.2 European Union legislation


Legislation type

Number and title

Publication details for the Official Journal of the European Communities



1605/2002 on the Financial Regulations

[2002] OJ L248/1





Eg Regulation 1605/2002 on the Financial Regulations [2002] OJ L248/1.

(a) Legislation type

Indicate the legislation type, for example regulation or directive.

(b) Number and title

After the legislation type, include the number and title.

(c) Publication details

Following the number and title, include the publication details for the Official Journal of the European Union.

The OJ citation takes the form: [Year] OJ series number/page.

Prior to 1972, no English version of the Journal Officiel was produced. Cite pre-1972 material by reference to the Special Edition of the Official Journal, which was produced following the United Kingdom joining the EC.

Eg Directive 68/221 on the Free Movement of Workers [1963-4] OJ Spec Ed 117.

10.5.3 General form for European Court of Human Rights cases

The general form for citing cases from the European Court of Human Rights is as follows:


Case name



Report series


Court identifier



Mauer v Austria






at 92

Eg Mauer v Austria (1997) 25 EHRR 91 (ECHR) at 92.

(a) Court identifier

The court identifier for cases before November 1998 is “ECHR”.

After November 1998, the European Court of Human Rights was split into a Chamber with five sections and a Grand Chamber.

For cases after November 1998, the court identifiers are: Section I, ECHR; Section II, ECHR; Section III, ECHR; Section IV, ECHR; Section V, ECHR; and Grand Chamber, ECHR.

(b) Judgments

Cases are reported in the European Human Rights Reporter (EHRR) and Butterworths Human Rights Cases (BHRC).

Where a case is not reported, give the application number, division of the court and the date of the judgment (these can be obtained from the Court’s official database, HUDOC, at <www.echr.coe.int>).

Eg Amann v Switzerland (2000) 30 EHRR 843 (Grand Chamber, ECHR).

Eg O’Halloran and Francis v United Kingdom (15809/02) Grand Chamber, ECHR 29 June 2007.

10.5.4 General form for European Commission of Human Rights cases

Prior to 1998, all cases before the European Court of Human Rights were referred to it by the European Commission of Human Rights. While this body is no longer in existence, it is sometimes necessary to cite its past decisions.

The general form for citing cases from the European Commission on Human Rights is as follows:


Case name



Report series


Court identifier




Morissens v Belgium







Denmark, Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands v Greece






at [186]

Eg Morissens v Belgium (1988) 56 DR 127.

Eg Denmark, Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands v Greece (1969) 12 Yearbook 186 (EComHR) at [186].

(a) Background

The official report series of the European Commission of Human Rights was the Decisions and Reports of the Commission (DR) and, prior to this, the Yearbook of the ECHR. Some decisions also appear in the EHRR.

(b) Court identifier

A court identifier is not required when citing to the DR because it only reports decisions of the Commission.

Eg X and Y v United Kingdom (1977) 12 DR 32.

However, when citing to the EHRR or Yearbook include a court identifier. The identifier is “EComHR.”

Eg Denmark, Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands v Greece (1969) 12 Yearbook 186 (EComHR) at [186].

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