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10.6 International Economic Materials

10.6.1 General form for official documents of the World Trade Organization (WTO)



Document number


Description of the document

Pinpoint citation


United States – Safeguard Measures on Imports of Fresh, Chilled or Frozen Lamb Meat from New Zealand and Australia


1 May 2001

(Report of the Appellate Body)

at [21]

Eg United States – Safeguard Measures on Imports of Fresh, Chilled or Frozen Lamb Meat from New Zealand and Australia WT/DS177/AB/R, 1 May 2001 (Report of the Appellate Body) at [21].

Eg Transitional Review Mechanism Pursuant to Section 18 of the Protocol on the Accession of the People's Republic of China G/ADP/W/436, 23 October 2003 (Questions from the United States) at [4].

Eg United States – Preliminary Determinations with Respect to Certain Softwood Lumber from Canada WT/DS236/R, 27 September 2002 (Report of the Panel).

Eg Australia – Measures Affecting the Importation of Apples from New Zealand WT/DS367/AB/R, 29 November 2010 (Report of the Appellate Body) at [230].

10.6.2 General form for official documents of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)



Supplement number

Report series

Page number

GATT document number

Date of document

Description of the document




United States - Denial of Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment as to Non-Rubber Footwear from Brazil

39th Supp




10 January 1992

(Report by the Panel Adopted on 19 June 1992)

at [4.20]

Generalized System of Preferences





4 September 1992

(Notification by New Zealand)

at 3

The principal decisions, resolutions, recommendations and reports adopted by the GATT contracting parties are reported in the Basic Instruments and Selected Documents, the abbreviation of which is "GATT BISD". If a document is reported in the GATT BISD, include the citation to that report, including the supplement number and the starting page number. After the citation to the GATT BISD include the GATT document number.

Eg United States – Denial of Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment as to Non-Rubber Footwear from Brazil 39th Supp GATT BISD 128, DS18/R, 10 June 1992 (Report by the Panel Adopted on 19 June 1992) at [4.20].

If a document was not reported in the GATT BISD, give only the GATT document number.

Eg Generalized System of Preferences L/7073, 4 September 1992 (Notification by New Zealand) at 3.

Eg Czech Reupblic and Slovak Republic – Protocols of Accession L/7156, 16 December 1992 (Decision of 3 December 1992).

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