Cite papers and reports in the style of texts:
Element |
Author |
Title |
Publisher |
Official citation |
Date |
Pinpoint citation |
Example |
Roger Procter |
Enhancing Productivity: Towards an Updated Action Agenda |
(Ministry of Economic Development, |
Occasional Paper 11/01, |
March 2011) |
at 10 |
Rule |
Eg Roger Procter Enhancing Productivity: Towards an Updated Action Agenda (Ministry of Economic Development, Occasional Paper 11/01, March 2011) at 10.
(a) Author
Give the author of the report in accordance with rule 6.1.2.
Eg Peter Salmon, Margaret Bazley and David Shand Royal Commission on Auckland Governance (March 2009).
It is unnecessary to state the name of the author if the author’s name is part of the title of the report.
Eg Report of David McGee, Ombudsman on Complaints Arising out of Bullying at Hutt Valley High School in December 2007 (2011).
(b) Title
Give the title in italics with spelling and capitalisation as it appears at the start of the report (unless the original is in all caps, in which case capitalise only the first letter of significant words). A subtitle may be preceded by a colon if it is not preceded by any punctuation mark in the report.
(c) Publisher
Give the publisher of the report. Give the publisher, official citation and date of the report together separated by commas in round brackets.
Eg PricewaterhouseCoopers Commerce Commission Baseline Review (Ministry of Economic Development, 11 November 2008).
It is unnecessary to state the name of publisher of the report if the publisher is the same as the author of the report.
Eg Ministry of Education Briefing to the Incoming Minister (November 2008).
(d) Official citation
If the report or paper has an official citation, give this after the publisher. Give the official citation format used by the author of the report.
Eg State Services Commission Report on the Regional Conference on “Emerging Issues in Senior Management Development in the Public Sector” (Occasional Paper No 26, July 2002).
(e) Date
Give the date of the report with as much specificity as possible.
(f) Examples
Cite papers and reports in accordance with this rule. In particular, use this rule for citing the following types of reports and papers.
Advice provided to the Attorney-General on the consistency of Bills with the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990
Eg Ministry of Justice Legal Advice: Consistency with the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990: Crown Entities Reform Bill (16 September 2011).
Eg Crown Law Office Electoral Finance Bill: Consistency with the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 (26 June 2007).
Government consultation papers
Eg Ministry of Health Proposed Amendments to Regulations under the Medicines Act 1981: Report of the Analysis of Submissions and Final Decisions (November 2010).
Government reports
Eg Ministry of Justice Reviewing the Family Court: A public consultation paper (20 September 2011).
Independent Police Conduct Authority
Eg L P Goddard Release of a Police file regarding Tony Veitch (Independent Police Conduct Authority, February 2011).
Eg David McGee Ombudsman's Finding on Complaint by Television New Zealand Ltd (TVNZ) Against Police under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA) (February 2010).
Eg Beverley A Wakem Ombudsman Act Investigation: Complaint by the Hubbard Support Team and others Concerning a Recommendation for Statutory Management made by the Securities Commission to the Minister of Commerce on 19 June 2010 (April 2011).
Reports of the Attorney-General under s 7 of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990
Eg Christopher Finlayson Report of the Attorney-General under the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 on the Alcohol Reform Bill (8 November 2010).
Regulatory Impact Statements
Eg Inland Revenue Regulatory Impact Statement: Liquidators and receivers changing GST accounting basis (20 July 2011).
Eg Department of Internal Affairs Regulatory Impact Statement: Citizenship Amendment Bill (October 2010).