Cite Canadian statutes as follows:
Element |
Short title |
Volume |
Jurisdiction |
Year |
Chapter |
Pinpoint |
Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act |
RS |
C |
1985 |
c A-12 |
, s 15 |
Freezing Assets of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act |
S |
C |
2011 |
c 10 |
Rule |
Eg Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act RSC 1985 c A-12, s 15.
Eg Freezing Assets of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act SC 2011 c 10, s 4.
All Canadian jurisdictions revise their statutes periodically. A revision consists of a complete repeal of most existing statutes and a simultaneous re-enactment of those statutes incorporating all amendments and repeals that have taken place since the last revision. As a result, chapter and section numbers will change.
(a) Short title
Give the short title as per New Zealand statutes in accordance with rule 4.1.1(a)
(b) Volume
An abbreviated form of the statute volume is included after the title.
The abbreviation “RS” is used for the Revised Statutes or Re-Enacted Statutes, while “S” is used for the sessional or annual volumes. Where applicable, cite to the Revised Statutes or the Re-Enacted Statutes.
Ordinances are abbreviated to “O”.
(c) Jurisdiction
The jurisdiction identifier follows immediately after the statute volume, without a space or dash.
Eg Personal Property Security Act RSBC 1996 c 359.
Use the following jurisdiction identifiers:
Canada Lower Canada Upper Canada Alberta British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick Newfoundland and Labrador Northwest Territories |
Nova Scotia Nunavut Ontario Prince Edward Island Province of Canada Québec Saskatchewan Yukon Territory
NS Nu O PEI Prov C Q S Y
(d) Year
If the statute being cited is contained in the revised statutes, give the year in which that particular revision was made.
If a new statute is enacted after the last year in which all of the statutes were revised, then the reference would be to the statutes of the jurisdiction and the year cited would be the year of enactment for that particular statute.
(e) Chapter
Include the chapter specification of the statute. Abbreviate “Chapter” to “c”.
(f) Pinpoint
Include any pinpoint reference following the chapter and preceded by a comma.