4.1.4 Legislation from 1854 on
The format for citing New Zealand legislation post-1854 is as follows:
Element |
Short title |
Year enacted |
Pinpoint reference |
Example |
Evidence Act |
2006 |
, s 44 |
Rule |
4.1.4(a) |
4.1.4(b) |
4.1.4(c) |
Eg Evidence Act 2006, s 44.
Eg Income Tax Act 2004, s CE 10.
(a) Short title
When citing a New Zealand statute give the short title of the Act.
It is unnecessary to include the number of the Act or state whether it is included in the reprinted statute series.
It is unnecessary to state that the statute originates from New Zealand, unless the context requires it.
(b) Year enacted
Give the year in accordance with rule 4.1.1(b).
(c) Pinpoint reference
Give the pinpoint reference in accordance with rule 4.1.1(d).
(d) Provincial legislation
The New Zealand Constitution Act 1852 (Imp) 15 & 16 Vict c 72 abolished the two existing provinces (New Ulster and New Munster) and divided New Zealand into six new provinces, each with its own legislature known as a Provincial Council. The original provinces were: Auckland; New Plymouth (later renamed Taranaki); Wellington; Nelson; Canterbury; and Otago. Later, further provinces were created: Hawkes’ Bay; Marlborough; Southland;
and Westland.
When citing provincial legislation, give the name of the province in round brackets after the year.
Eg Manawatu Racecourse Act 1869 (Wellington).
Eg Otago Harbour Trust Leasing Ordinance 1862 (Otago).
Eg Nelson Waterworks Act 1863 (Nelson).
Eg Picton Institution Act 1864 (Marlborough).
Eg Christ’s College Ordinance 1855 (Canterbury).
The provinces were abolished in 1876 by the Abolition of the Provinces Act 1875.