Legal Education

Year Project Title Grant Amount 
20012001 International Negotiation Competition$ 1,000.00
19941994 NZ Jessup Cup Mooting Team: Funding Assistance for 1994 Competition$ 1,500.00
1995Economic Research to background Family Law Conference Discussions relating to Finance after Separation$ 1,500.00
2014Auckland Young Lawyers Mooting Competition$ 1,967.00
20002000 Louis M Brown International Client Counselling Competition: Student Funding Assistance$ 2,000.00
2014Wellington Junior Practitioners' Appellate Mooting Competition$ 2,395.00
1995Australasian Family Law Mooting Competition 1995 and 1996$ 2,500.00
19941994 National Family Law Mooting Competition$ 2,802.00
2009NZ Commonwealth Law Moot Team 2009$ 4,000.00
19991999 National Family Law Mooting Competition$ 4,696.00
1997Attendance at Conference: Attendance at Conference: '2nd World Congress on Family Law' & Dissemination of Findings$ 4,829.00
20042004 Annual Student Workshop - ANZSIL$ 5,000.00
20162016 International Humanitarian Law (IHL) Moot Court Competition [2-3 December 2016]$ 5,000.00
1993Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Training$ 5,000.00
20172017 Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition$ 5,000.00
20172017 New Zealand Red Cross International Humanitarian Law Moot Court Competition$ 5,000.00
20152015 International Humanitarian Law (IHL) Moot Court Competition$ 5,000.00
1999Seminar Series: Litigation Techniques & Trial Advocacy Skillls - Part Two$ 5,500.00
19961997 National Family Law Mooting Competition$ 6,000.00
19971998 National Family Law Mooting Competition$ 6,000.00
2018Scholarships for 2019 AMINZ Conference$ 7,000.00
2001Willem C Vis Moot 2001-2002$ 7,500.00
19951995 National Law Students Client Interviewing Competitions$ 7,717.50
20142014 New Zealand Law Foundation National Family Law Moot$ 8,132.00
20192019 New Zealand Law Foundation National Family Law Moot [Waikato, 25-27 July 2019]$ 8,949.00
20132013 NZ Law Foundation National Family Law Moot$ 9,047.00
1996Litigation Skills Programme - Resources for Expert Witness Course$ 9,134.00
20052005 National Family Law Mooting Competition$ 9,135.00
20152015 New Zealand Law Foundation National Family Law Moot [1 August 2015]$ 9,620.00
20072007 National Family Law Mooting Competition$ 9,903.00
20062006 National Family Law Mooting Competition$ 9,967.00
2011Law and Economics Foundation Course$ 10,000.00
1998Counsel for the Child - Training Needs Analysis Workshop$ 10,000.00
1998Development of Legal Ethics & Professional Responsibility Curriculum and Resources - Auckland University$ 10,000.00
1998Development of Legal Ethics & Professional Responsibility Curriculum and Resources - Canterbury University$ 10,000.00
1998Development of Legal Ethics & Professional Responsibility Curriculum and Resources - Otago University$ 10,000.00
1998Development of Legal Ethics & Professional Responsibility Curriculum and Resources - Victoria University$ 10,000.00
1998Development of Legal Ethics & Professional Responsibility Curriculum and Resources - Waikato University$ 10,000.00
20092009 New Zealand Law Foundation National Family Law Moot$ 10,325.00
20162016 New Zealand Law Foundation National Family Law Moot [30 July 2016]$ 10,512.00
20082008 New Zealand Law Foundation National Family Law Moot$ 10,514.00
2015National Young Lawyers' Mooting Competition 2015$ 10,550.00
20172017 New Zealand Law Foundation National Family Law Moot [15 July 2017]$ 10,890.00
20002000 National Family Law Mooting Competition$ 11,376.00
20012001 National Family Law Mooting Competition$ 11,450.00
20072007 International Negotiation Competition$ 11,497.00
20042004 National Family Law Mooting Competition$ 12,000.00
2016National Young Lawyers Mooting Competition 2016$ 12,000.00
20052006 Louis M Brown International Client Counselling Competition$ 12,000.00
20022002/2003 National Family Law Mooting Competition$ 12,000.00
20102010 New Zealand Law Foundation National Family Law Moot$ 12,040.00
1997NZ Jessup Cup Mooting Team: Funding & Administration for 1998 and Beyond$ 12,500.00
20112011 New Zealand Law Foundation National Family Law Moot$ 13,114.00
2018National Young Lawyer's Mooting Competition 2018 [23 July 2018]$ 13,295.00
20042004 Louis M Brown International Client Counselling Competition$ 15,000.00
20042004 International Negotiation Competition$ 15,000.00
20102011 Brown Mosten International Client Consultation Competition [Netherlands 6-9 April 2011]$ 15,000.00
20182019 International Negotiation Competition [5-9 July 2019,Tokyo]$ 15,000.00
20092009 Louis M Brown International Client Counselling Competition$ 15,000.00
20182019 Brown Mosten International Client Consultation Competition [3-6 April, Dublin]$ 15,000.00
20152016 International Negotiation Competition [4-9 July, Lucerne, Switzerland]$ 15,000.00
20152016 Brown Mosten International Client Consultation Competition [27-30 April, Windsor, Canada]$ 15,000.00
20042005 Louis M Brown International Client Counselling Competition$ 15,000.00
20092010 Brown Mosten International Client Counselling Competition [ 7-10 April 2010 - China]$ 15,000.00
20092010 International Negotiation Competition [July 2010 - Australia]$ 15,000.00
20052005 International Negotiation Competition$ 15,000.00
20112012 International Negotiation Competition [Belfast 3-7 July 2012]$ 15,000.00
20112012 Brown/Mosten International Client Consultation Competition [Dublin 18-21 April 2012]$ 15,000.00
20052006 International Negotiation Competition$ 15,000.00
20192020 Brown Mosten International Client Consultation Competition [Florida 15-18 April 2020]$ 15,000.00
20122013 Brown Mosten International Client Consultation competition [Glasgow 3-6 April 2013]$ 15,000.00
2012NZLS CLE Criminal Procedure Act Intensive [May 2013] - Background materials$ 15,000.00
20162017 Brown Mosten International Client Consultation Competition [University of Kent 19-22 April 2017]$ 15,000.00
20162017 International Negotiation Competition [26 June-1 July 2017 - Oslo, Norway]$ 15,000.00
20132013 International Negotiation Competition [1-5 July Orange County, USA]$ 15,000.00
20012002 Philip C Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition$ 15,000.00
20022002 Louis M Brown International Negotiation Competition, Kingston University London$ 15,000.00
20132014 International Negotiation Competition [South Korea 23-27 June 2014]$ 15,000.00
20132014 Brown Mosten International Client Consultation Competition [Puerto Rico 9-12 April 2014]$ 15,000.00
20172018 Brown Mosten International Client Consultation Competition [11-14 April, Netherlands]$ 15,000.00
20172018 International Negotiation Competition [25 June-30 June 2017 - Cardiff]$ 15,000.00
20032003 Louis M Brown International Client Counselling Competition$ 15,000.00
20032003 International Negotiation Competition$ 15,000.00
20072008 Louis M Brown International Client Counselling Competition$ 15,000.00
20142015 International Negotiation Competition [Dublin, Ireland 6-10 July 2015]$ 15,000.00
20142015 Brown Mosten Client Consultation Competition [Lincoln, Nebraska, USA 15-18 April 2015]$ 15,000.00
20102011 International Negotiation Competition [July 2011, Denmark]$ 15,000.00
1997Development of Civil Litigation Module for NZLS National Curriculum for Continuing Legal Education$ 16,000.00
20092009 International Negotiation Competition$ 17,000.00
1999Advocacy Skills Training - Visit by Professor James Seckinger$ 18,300.00
20072008 International Negotiation Competition$ 19,000.00
1995Research: Transfer of Training for IPLS Students$ 19,920.00
1995National Advocacy Training - Family Law$ 21,450.00
2009Revision of Residential Property Entry Level Workshop$ 21,700.00
1998Youth Advocates Training Programme$ 24,000.00
1999Cross-Cultural Research & Development$ 24,300.00
1996Seminar Series: Litigation Techniques &Trial Advocacy Skills - Part One$ 25,000.00
20002001 Louis M Brown International Client Counselling Competition$ 25,000.00
1998Computer Aided Learning Project (Stage 1)$ 25,808.00
2012Rewrite of Residential Property Transactions Courses$ 26,700.00
1999Running a Matrimonial Property Case - Intermediate Level Training Programme$ 27,200.00
2007Major Revision of Workshop on Running a Matrimonial Property Case$ 28,500.00
20182019 Philip C. Jessup International Moot Court Competition [31 March-6 April 2019]$ 30,000.00
20092010 Philip C Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition (21-27 Mar 10)$ 30,000.00
20042005 Philip C Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition$ 30,000.00
20152016 Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition$ 30,000.00
20062006 Philip C Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition$ 30,000.00
20192020 Philip C Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition$ 30,000.00
20122013 Phillip C. Jessup International Moot Competition$ 30,000.00
20132014 Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition$ 30,000.00
20072007 Philip C Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition$ 30,000.00
20172018 Philip C. Jessup International Moot Court Competition$ 30,000.00
20032003 Philip C Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition$ 30,000.00
20072008 Philip C Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition$ 30,000.00
20142015 Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition$ 30,000.00
20102011 Philip C Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition$ 30,000.00
20042004 Philip C Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition$ 30,000.00
1998Family Law Training Programme$ 32,500.00
20082009 Philip C Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition$ 35,000.00
2013Continuing Professional Development Training$ 36,807.00
20112012 Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition$ 38,000.00
1998Development of Legal Ethics & Professional Responsibility Curriculum - IPLS$ 40,000.00
2013Rewrite of the Duty Solicitor Training Programme$ 41,750.00
1995'Seen But Not Heard' - Communicating with Children in Court: A Training Video and Resource Handbook$ 47,295.00
2007Major Revision of Two Parts of the Entry Level Planned Curriculum$ 47,700.00
1993National Training Programme for Newly Admitted Practitioners - Criminal Advocacy & Residential Conveyancing$ 50,000.00
1998Ethics and Professional Responsibility - Video Based Guided Courses$ 60,000.00
1999Expanding and Consolidating the Entry Level Planned Curriculum$ 61,500.00
1994Education and Training Programme in Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility$ 68,260.00
1996Judicial Training: Gender Equity In the Judicial System$ 99,517.00
2010National Training Programme for Lawyers$ 100,000.00
2000Computer Aided Learning Project (Stage 2)$ 141,070.00


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